Sun. Oct 27th, 2024

Creative Service Businesses You can Try

Creative Service Businesses You can Try

As an entrepreneur, you must actively look for creative service businesses gaps and promising new business opportunities so that the business you run can develop and move forward. This is indeed not as easy as turning the palm of the hand, especially in the midst of intense business competition that requires you to always try to be the best.

Creative Service Businesses You can Try

In addition to talent, enthusiasm, and determination, of course the right business idea is also needed. You can search for ideas by looking at developing trends among consumers and studying business opportunities from various sources. It’s a good idea to choose a creative service business that doesn’t have too many competitors in Indonesia.

Kinds of Creative Service Businesses

For those of you who want to find new opportunities, what kind of creative services business has a limited market but has the potential to make a profit? We’ve rounded up these 10 creative business ideas that are still limited in number for you to consider.

Prison Hotel as Creative Service Businesses

Prison hotels were established for guests who want to find peace and reduce stress due to life problems, work demands, and academic problems. Guests must sleep in cell rooms with limited facilities such as mattresses, desks, books, and pens. This hotel has strict regulations like a real prison.

Guests are prohibited from bringing gadgets, talking to fellow guests, must wear prison clothes, and are given a food menu according to what has been determined. It is hoped that by cutting off communication with the outside world, guests will focus on self-healing and find peace.

Anger Room as Creative Service Businesses

Anger room is a place made to vent anger appropriately and safely. These rooms already exist in several countries, so that people can channel their anger without hurting themselves or taking it out on loved ones. Usually, anger room visitors are those who are sad, angry, or disappointed with the problems they are facing.

You can damage all of the items in the anger room. The tenant will lend you protective clothing from head to toe. This is so that the items we destroy do not hurt us. In addition, they also lent a baseball bat as a bat.

Pet Rental

Pet rentals are usually used for shooting, shooting, or educational purposes. In order for pets to get good treatment, you must include a person in charge who supervises when the animal is rented out. In some countries, pets are rented out to accompany customers who cannot have their own pets for some reason.


Dropshipping is a system where someone can sell goods without having to have stock. By utilizing cooperation between producers, a dropshipper can benefit from the difference between the selling price to the buyer and the purchase price from the producer. You may be interested in this business because it includes a small capital business opportunity or even no capital at all.

Event Organizer

Professional event organizer services or commonly called EO aims to help clients so that the event runs according to plan and well. This business is profitable if you have a solid team and interesting innovations. You can promote this service on social media and also show your portfolio.

You can provide organizer services with a small scope first, such as birthday parties, romantic dinners, couple’s anniversary, or bridal showers. Continue to develop your relationship so that your event organizer business is increasingly recognized.

Shoe Laundry

Mostly, this laundry service only accepts clothes in the form of tops and bottoms, blankets, and bed linen, they do not accept shoes. Some laundromats that provide shoe washing services sometimes do not understand how to care for shoes according to the material. This is your chance to start this creative and unique service business.

Shoe washing business activists understand each shoe material and how to care for it. They also provide shoe polishing services. Even sometimes the users of this service come from abroad. Customers from abroad are willing to send shoes with high shipping costs so that their favorite shoes remain in good condition.

Creative service business ideas above can inspire you to start your own business. You can choose a business opportunity that suits your passion and current financial situation. So don’t be afraid to take on new challenges, because as long as you are willing to learn, you will be able to run your business well.

By Rusty

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