Sun. Dec 22nd, 2024

Running a Business Without Using an Office

Modern technology has gone above and beyond the call of duty for those running a business without using an office at all.
With the advent of the various smart phones and the plethora of applications that one can load on their smart phone, it is almost no longer required to have a receptionist to answer your phone. You could be driving to meet a client a their office, have another client call you and be able to handle the entire process of setting up an appointment right on your smart phone while on the phone with the customer. At the end of the day, you can download all the information you loaded onto your smart phone into your computer for easy access or even handle the download while on the road into a laptop that you carry. The downloads are generally a two minute operation and you do not need to have internet access to complete the process.
Need internet access while you are on the road to do some research or to check up on an order? Nothing to it. Hit your local McDonalds as they offer free wifi in over 11,000 of their restaurants. Not a Micky D kind of person? No worries, go to almost any coffee shop anywhere and there is free Wifi or swing into almost any other restaurant out there as free wifi is increasingly popular and is great if you are running a business and on the road all the time. You do not want to go to a restaurant to access the internet each and every time? Just call your cell provider and get an air card or even get an adapter that hooks up your smart phone to your laptop. It is absolutely amazing what the technicians of the world are coming up with these days. There is even an adapter that you can plug into your cigarette lighter that would charge your laptop battery available for under 50.00!
You can use a portable printer as well if you are not near your office that will print out very nice invoices or estimates for those running a business on the road. The quality is outstanding and the pricing is not out of line in the least bit so it will not put you in the poorhouse. Modern technology has made it easy for you to run your business without the benefit of an office and not miss a step in terms of quality service or quality of products and the real benefactor of this entire level of technical quality is the client as you are able to cut down on business expenses and pass the savings to them. Saving on the expense end makes you a hero in their eyes and will most certainly get you repeat business and new customers.
Running a business using modern technology is good for all parties involved!

By Rusty

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